Ok, I don't know if this warrants a new thread, but... well--what's the harm in doing a more extensive comparison?


Before any folks make any judgements--keep in mind that the Hyperblades were sent to me as a donation, and I know very little about them thus far. I'm certain that the blue one is a v1, and fairly confident that the green is a v2... but--I may be wrong. I was trying to be as impartial as possible while still having a little fun. So sue me...

Indeed, feel free to post footage links here, or educated comments about all of this kind of thing... I've been waiting a LONG time to get some more "apples to apples" comparisons of the sabers, and also not simply use the "highest" setting or an "over-driven" setting to base comparisons off of. Anyhow. Watch the video, and you'll see what I mean.

Anyhow, I think the video gives at least a very nice perspective on things overall, and people can make their own decisions on what they like, dislike or if they like it all!

Hope everyone had a great New Year's celebration... I had a blast...