Arkai, thanks man. I didn't realize you've got the inspiration from my site, I thought it was a coincidence that you've thought of that also. Anyway, I'm glad someone made use of the idea.

Novastar, thank you too! I've had some nice black'n'blues that spoke plenty of my son's talents with a stick. My saber is a foot longer and he still gets to me...kinda like Yoda and Dooku in AOTC. He's merciless!

Seriously now, PEX is a great cheap substitute for a blade. It definitely is not as pretty as PolyC, and it tends to be a bit too flexible at longer spans, but it is both a blade and a diffuser in one and you can afford to bang away at it without the worry that you damage a prized possession. And the brightness is pretty close to say using an MR blade with that white diffuser. Not too shabby for about five bucks.