I'm curious as to what tools MOST saber builders out there use.

Granted, wouldn't it be nice if EVERYONE had their own personal machine shop... but since MOST do not... let's see what you do!

I'm also making a recommendation for us to CUT & PASTE the bottom portion, and add/edit/append/replace/re-organize as needed to create a really great source for everyone to know what to have ready in their "arsenal"!

Again, let's not say "a CNC machine" please, lol! Think: tools that you can hold in your hand.

Major/required items:

* SOLDERING IRON -- preferably a high-wattage one with a small tip for precise work
* RESIN CORE -- not too thick of a gauge
* WIRE -- red, green, black
* STRIPPERS -- not the dancing kind... mine is a multi-tool that includes cutters
* PLIERS -- or as I call them, the "grippers", lol
* SCREWDRIVER(S) -- hex, flat, star or phillips, or all--depending on your screw head choice(s)
* TAP KIT -- for threading holes so that screws... uh... screw in right!
* HAND DRILL -- hopefully with a quick & easy bit/driver release system. Mine is li-ion, surprise surprise!
* DRILL BITS -- duh
* CHEX MIX -- ok, this is probably more for "optional items", but after all this setup you'll need SOME kind of snack. It's fun to heat them up with the soldering iron. Totally kidding. Don't do that, kids.

Optional/smaller items:

* MULTIMETER -- this should be up above... but you don't ABSOLUTELY need it to troubleshoot. But it sure makes it easier.
* TEST BATTERIES -- just a pair that you don't care about, maybe all ready for you to check things out circuit-wise
* CLAMP -- even something simple to hold wires in place, or act as a heatsink when soldering
* HEX WRENCH -- the multi-tool kind. I hate loose wrenches... they drive me *NUTS*
* HANDSAW -- for cutting sinktube or other metal
* SHEARS -- also good for cutting metal
* SLEDGEHAMMER -- totally kidding

Polytube stuff:

* POLYTUBE CUTTER -- I love the one from TCSS, heheh
* GLUE -- your choice. Tips won't stay on anyhow
* MIRROR MATERIAL -- unless you bought a pre-made blade
* TIP -- see above
* CLEAR PACKING TAPE -- yes I cover my tips with this... I am a huge nerd. Either that or I'm sick of losing 13 tips in 6 rehearsals.

Decorative materials:

* RUBBER GRIP -- whatever types you like!
* 20ma LEDS -- for the "looks" if you like
* PLASTIC "WINDOWS" -- to cover purposeful "see through" areas
* NUTS, BOLTS, SCREWS -- varying ones that you enjoy using possibly to hold the hilt together... and for decor
* PAINT TYPES -- I like spray paints, but whatever you like is fine
* BRANDY -- Ok, this is not so much decorative as it should be under "Major/required items".

Amusing precautionary notes:

* Don't drink and saber -- that leads to the dark side
* REFRAIN... from "resting" your soldering iron... on your batteries
* Wafting the lead fumes toward your significant other while creating a saber is a good way to set it so you'll never build one again...