Quote Originally Posted by Firebird21
Quote Originally Posted by Bescherman
I may have to see if I can try a few different thicknesses and test to destruction!!!!

I like your way of thinking!

Hey, it's gotta be done! Once you've made 'em you've gotta break 'em to find out what they can take!

Quote Originally Posted by supertrogdor
As you are going for double ended spinners, i would not be too worried about how much the hilt weighs. Balance would seem to be far more important, from what i can surmise. From the spinning i have done with the single and double sabers that i have made, the single is more cumbersome, but that is due mainly to the balance. The double saber i have the same amount of crud inside both halves of the hilt, and it spins just dandy, i don't get tired out from it like i did with my single saber before i made adjustments with it to achieve better balance.
I agree that balance is by far the most important criteria and that's my main aim with the "hilt" section. However, in brief discussions with another local staff spinner he was firmly at the opinion that the weight should be at the ends and most staffs were too light.

I'm not taking this as something I HAVE to do, as I'm aware that thick polycarbonate has a reasonable amount of weight. However it's food for thought so I want to keep the hilts as thin and light as poss. I'm also thinking of investigating some sort of rubber "balls" on the end for extra protection and weight.

I reckon that I'll be in a position to order a stock of MHS parts from Tim soon to build a prototype.

Another 2 Questions that occured to me last night:
- Do I need different battery/ LED configurations for different Luxeons, if so what?
- What is the implication of running two Lux III, K2 or Lux V LEDs off the same battery pack?

I know that K2s require more milliamps and Vs more voltage. K2s will drain a battery quicker than Vs due to the mA draw.

If I run the batteries in parallel then the Voltage stays the same but the mA (current) increases so I'm guessing this would be better for K2 LEDs.

Batteries in series = higher voltage but lower current so I'm guessing this would be more suitable for Lux Vs.

I am aware that you can run a mix of series/parallel to increase both voltage and current.

As for running 2 LEDs off the same pack, I'm not really sure if I need to run them in series or parallel or how this affects the voltage and current. I'm an electronics newb so I get confused easily!

Any help on any of the above topics would be appreciated! Thanks