Hello everyone.

I'm Bodi and I'm new to this forum.

I have a new design for a blade which is closer in appearance to the movie effect than anything I have seen on the net, and believe me, I've scoured it. I'm in the process of building it now and will post some pics as soon as its completed, so you can judge.

The blade core appears white hot, with a colored aura (all standard colors could be used) which is clearly visible, even in moderate daylight, and it doesn't have to be against a backdrop. The blade powers up and down the shaft completely realistically and can be programmed for any speed of ignition/deactivation. The blade has the appearance of rotating at high speeds and this is also programmable. The blade is constant in appearance throughtout its entire length. The brightness can be adjusted to any level up to NUCLEAR. Completely cool 'lens flare' effect, too.

Durability testing will begin as soon as the prototype is completed, and I have every reason to believe they will take a lot of punishment, since the blade is solid plastic.

I would appreciate any advice that you can give me as to what I should do with this. It looks pretty real.

Should I offer to sell my design to a manufacturer? Should I make them myself? Ebay? What's the way I should go here?