Hi... You know me... i m the guy from Argentina that is always making questions... and i know what are you thinking now: What is he going to ask?... WRONG! I want to to share with you some pictures of my last experiment. I ve been reading the forum and i take a few ideas for the blade diffuser. So i went to a shop that sells plastic bags, papers, and that stuff and bought some 'cellophane' (i think that's the traslation, here we call it "papel celofán"). I spent 1 peso, for you U$D 0,30.
This is what i get: (This is the first time i post pictures... i hope you can see them...)

The cellophane:

Inseted into the polyC tube (it's an acrylic tube):

I didn't wire my luxeon led yet, cause i don't have a heatsink nor the bladeholder, so i used this little "led laser" toy...:

And finally... this is what i get:

Pretty good for that kind of led, and the blade has no mirror on the top...
I think cellopahne makes a good diffuser...
Good luck!