Now i know some of you guys are into airsoft, as you have stated before, so i figured i'd start an entire topic about it, because i'm now getting into it.
I like the idea of airsoft better than paintball since i'm more of a plinker, and i can fire the guns in the house without making a mess. I've just bought myself a JLS H&K Mark 23, also known as the SOCOM pistol. Its my first electric pistol, i have 2 springers already. I want to get a rifle too, but more like a sniper rifle than an assault rifle. Any suggestions? store suggestions? should i try getting a local gun store to stock them? Anyone with ideas, or airsoft anecdotes, i'd love to hear it, have a 70 page thread on airsoft, like you sith brothers have on your vader suits.

A Jedi feels the Force flowing through him..