Hay guyz liek how do U bild a sab0rz!!oneone
...Just kidding. []

Ok, I know I've asked this question before, and I've done a search on this forum and FDN, but I can't find the thread I asked in... so here goes.

For those of you who're familiar with Nynthu's wicked sith saber ( http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/sa...p?TOPIC_ID=703 about a quarter of the way down), I'd like to know what exactly that 45 degree curved section is called and where the heck I can find it.

I know in the saber pics thread he mentioned it was a 45 degree short joint section found in the hardware store, but I've looked for that, to no avail. Someone else later mentioned to me it was called an S... something or other... argh...

I've seen something similar to it in Home Depot, but the darn thing is a very long S section. Is that how it comes, and you just have to cut it down? I was under the impression that it came as shown on Nynthu's saber, complete with the two chrome nuts on the side, but I could be mistaken.

Sorry for the novella here, but can anyone clue me in? And if someone can even give me a part number, I'll name my first born after you! []

....*sees xwing's sniper sight on his chest* ... aw crap...