I was thinking (a dangerous past time, I know) that with the modular sabers it would be easy to swap out the Luxeon LED by using quick disconnect wire connectors:

Many of you have probably used these before.

Anyway, the LED sits in the floating LED disc/heatsink, right? So, you can just buy the seperate LED holder discs from Strydur and attach a Luxeon to it, solder wires to the Luxeon as usual, but then attach the quick disconnects to the wires. You can do this with as many discs as you want.

Inside your hilt you will have your electronics attached to the mating ends of the quick disconnects. I hope you're following so far.

Then to change the Luxeon, just unscrew the emitter, pull out the LED disc, unplug it, and plug in a new one. Then you could have every color of Luxeon for one saber at minimal cost.

And if you ask nice enough, I'm sure Strydur will allow us to buy just the LED holder disc/heatsink and quick disconnects for this purpose, right bud?

The Holy Luxeon Trinity