Hey All,

Just finished wiring up my first saber for a custom Darksaber build, pulled the kill key and....... nothing. Not entirely nothing, measure the voltage at the top 2 terminals on the board i do at least see 3.7 to 0 so I know at least my battery and recharge port were wiring properly. I also hear a very faint crackling from the speaker but no actual sound and no leds on the AV switch not the Tri-cree. Now my question is, did I wire something incorrectly or did I fry my board during soldering? Admittedly I did find it quite hard to solder the AV switch LED to the tiny deep sleep contact and the board does have appear to have gotten "hot" in that area. I hope the picture shows what I am talking about. I also did a crappy paint drawing showing how everything was wired. If its not an obvious issue what steps can i take to troubleshoot?

Thanks in advanced! Glad to finally join the community.