Yes, I did do a search, and yes, I did see that the most recent thread discussing saber combat was eight years ago. I do understand that this is primarily a builder's forum. And, with the disclaimers out of the way...

Tonight, while under the influence of painsomnia, I was poking around the interwebz and came upon an international lightsaber sport organization. Unfortunately for me, they're mostly European, and the nearest American school is an eight hour drive (or a fifty hour bicycle trip... thanks, Google maps!) from where I live.

I studied Kendo when I was younger and healthy, and always wanted to study Shinkendo and Escrima, both of which I think would be applicable to lightsaber combat. But seeing the listing made me wonder... how many of you practice in some kind of organization / school / dojo that uses lightsabers as the focus weapon? Link? What's your opinion of them?