Hi, so I recently picked up a PRIZM soundboard (it has kind of been an impulse lately when I see them in stock) and I want to wire a string blade onto the board. I didn't really have a preference for scrolling effects so I decided PRIZM should be perfect because I get all of the bells and whistles that come along with the soundboard as well. Anyways, my main concern was figuring out exactly how to wire a string blade onto the board. To my understanding, each board negative for the LED drives up to 1023ma, but I'm planning on wiring about 100 20am 3.4v 5mm LEDs in parallel which would require then 2000ma to run. So based on this information, does it make sense to bridge two of the board negatives for the LED together, then go into the override file, delete all the color profiles except the first one, then turn both drives that I'm using to 1023, then run the common negative LED wire from the soundboard up to the string so that I could achieve around 2046ma to be pumped into the string? Sorry if that sounds confusing, any advise would be much appreciated. If I'm doing it all wrong, feel free to tell me as well. Thanks a bunch!