LS6 + MK III Hybrid Hilt

I've always liked the thin neck sabers from the movies, so I figured I'd make something similar to Luke's hilt from ROTJ.

Alas, plans change and instead of making a hilt closely resembling Luke's ROTJ hilt, I did a mashup of the LS6 and Obi-wan's MKIII. Since I didn't use the accent pads on the first Crystal Focus hilt that I built, I decided that I needed to make use of them this time around. Also had a PLI for Box1 lying around so I figured that I'd incorporate that into the build too.

Not gonna lie, this was hands down the biggest pain in the ass build I've done so far. Used the dremel so much, and at times I wasn't even sure if the way I visualized putting the chassis into the hilt would work.
When I cut a bit off the end of a brass rod to use as the button in the PLI for Box1, I could barely manage to get it mounted the way I wanted so that I could use it as an aux button in the MHS ribbed/choke combo.

Yet somehow, it all worked out and turned out very nicely; almost as good as I hoped it would when I visualized it in my head.
Not perfect, but I like the way it looks and the heft of the hilt in my hand.
Most importantly, I'm proud of myself for finally finishing it!

The LS6+MK III Hybrid!

All MHS parts
Crystal Focus V8 with Color Xtender
Quad Cree Red-Green-Green-RoyalBlue (gotta get that full powah green!)
18500 7.4V 1400mAh Battery Pack
2W 28mm Bass Speaker
Activation box style 2
2x Aux Switches in different places of the hilt

WIP Pics
Chassis designing:

Chassis inserted into hilt:

Testing PLI for Box1 functionality:

Finished Hilt

All buttoned up:

Kill key removed:

Closeup of PLI area:

Access to SD card:

More shots of hilt:

Thanks for looking!