Hi everyone!
I am but a humble Padawan attempting my second build ever. I have chosen to try my hand at the Graflex 2 kit, and wanted to incorporate a Crystal chamber into somehow. Most of the parts were either bought from the CSS or fashioned from various pieces of hardware.

I don't have access to much metal working equipment other than a drill press, so for the chassis I had to use my sculpting and resin casting skill-set. The chassis has three pieces that fit together. The main piece houses the NBv3, recharge port, and latching switch for the 5mm led. The second piece holds an accent led and is fashioned into a sled which is held in place with a pin. The third part is a piece that slides along the spacers and holds the soundboard in place. It's not completely finished yet, but it's close. Obviously, I haven't wired anything yet, but I think I've worked that out, and will post more pics when I do.

I went into this with a vague idea of what I wanted to do, and I am pretty pleased with what I've come up with. It's definitely been a learning experience, and I have gained even more respect for the talented Sabersmiths I have seen here. Thanks for stopping by!