So, a friend of mine pointed out this site to me today, and I got to using the MHS builder just to have some fun, and came up with an idea that's expensive, but I'd be interested in pursuing it in the future perhaps. I went off of the idea of the tonfa attachment and went with the presumption that it would be possible to modify some 2 inch connectors to do the same. I don't know if that's possible - I'm not very good with metal work, but when you're playing around with no intention of creating it any time soon, why not go for the stars?

Also, is there a way to create curved hilts? Or at least to safely bend the bottom handle metal a few degrees, so as to have a slight curve? The amount is small, because this would be a two handed blade (and the direction of the curve goes further into the screen from the design picture.) Kind of like this drawing that exists. (It allows the two handed handle to be used as a lever with your top hand being the fulcrum.)

For the heck of it, here's a rather intimidating idle noise to go with it.

Cool community there is here, and it's amazing seeing all of the custom work.