title says pretty much what i'm going to ask about. Good news, I finally got my last parts in to finish my latest saber. Once again Tim did great with drilling my switch holes and what not. Took me a bit to get a few holes drilled I needed since I didn't have a drill press but hilt wise that's really my only complaint so far. electronics wise I'm having an issue. I have one end of the saber wired and ready to go with no issues. The other side of the saber is a bit of a different story. I have it wired up and ready to go. the issue i'm having is that the saber will power on the light and make the ignition sound the very instant I connect the battery. when I hit the momentary switch to turn it off, it'll make the deactivation sound the but the moment i let off the switch it turns back on, while the light itself never turns off. I'm hoping it's something simple such as a part being backwards or something. I'm using the latest version of the PC board. I've not done anything to the memory card or anything else yet aside from soldering everything up and putting the memory card in the board. I've double checked the soldering and I don't see anything touching that shouldn't be. So either I've messed something up (highly probable), got something backwards (highly probable), something I missed with the soldering (highly probable), or I got a bad part (extremely unlikely). Anyone have ideas?