Hey all.

Getting a costume together to go with the sabers I built, and I was going to build some armor. Here is the costume thus far:

The armor is only going to be partial, just a breastplate to begin with (you know, for that occasional blaster bolt that slips through ), with more parts possible in the future.

The question is, what color should I make it? Everything thus far is basically green and silver/grey, with a bit of black and gold thrown in. I was shopping in Home Despot today for some spray paints, and hit a brick wall when trying to choose some color.

I could go with a sage green, a darker green, an olive, a dark grey metallic, or possibly a bronze metallic. I'll be getting some gold paint for making some food capsules for the belt, so whatever I picked, I was going to do some painter's taping on the base color and add some gold highlights.

I'm leaning toward the sage green (about the same color as Kao Cen Darach's armor in the Old Republic trailer) or the dark grey metallic (a very dark steel color). But maybe some people with actual taste could throw around a few opinions.

Thanks in advance.