
Just finished up my first saber and thought I'd post it. Many thanks to LDM and to Tim at TCSS for their patience with questions, etc and FenderBender for his 10W LEDEngin tutorial! Hopefully the saber looks ok even if it's a bit unconventional. It's running a white quad rebel in a variation of seriallel from the above tutorial with a light blue filter at 1500mA in a "full powah", non-"FOC" style setup with an obsidian soundcard that and a 7.4 rechargeable lith-ion battery pack from TCSS and all the electronics are modular and held in place with acrylic chassis rings to make them more durable. The inner pieces are all TCSS and handpolished to 4000 grit and the outer pieces are TCSS sleeve material that I cut and polished to 100 grit and then coated with multiple coats of clear coat first to get an first "orange peel" texture and then more heavily to get the protective coat and somehow the coating darkened the metal which I decided was a happy accident. The window in the blade holder was the result of slipping while drilling a retention hole and gauging a line too deeply to sand (oops...) so I added the window to hide the evidence. The stand is one of Sanjuro's Level 1 stands. Next saber will be a bit more conventional so I can try working out the PC soundcard and the LEDEngin for a comparison. This is a dangerously addictive hobby.

