Hey folks,

The arrival of the NB has me rethinking a build that was originally going to use a MR board. I have some questions about resistors though. My plan was to have both an illuminated blue dot switch and 1 accent LED style 3 in the build. If I use a NB, I'd run them in parallel from the LED line. If I have this figured out correctly that means I would need:

1 x 1ohm 1/8w resistor to the Rebel Star Deep Blue main LED. (3.4vlt at 1000mA)
1 x 18ohm 1/4w resistor to the blue dot switch (3.3vlt at 20mA)
1 x 68ohm 1/8w resistor to a green accent LED. (2.2vlt 25mA).

Does this seem correct? And since Tim doesn't sell a 68ohm resistor, can I use a 82ohm 1/4w resistor instead? I know that bigger is normally okay for ohms, but what about watts?
