I thought I would share with you guys what I've been up to lately. I side barred my other WIP temporarily to finish up the first saber saber I ever dreamed of creating. Almost 5 years ago Gelu from Illumisabers made a saber called Chameleon. I always viewed this as a what if ani never killed Mace saber. This is a picture I scrounged off the web.

I acquired an old Ultrasabers chrome shroud, a Parks die cut clamp, and a joe jedi pommel, and went to work. I also bought some of parks aluminum grips and had them milled down to closer resemble the the ani grips. I then proceeded to mill out where the grips were on the hilt so they would be more flush with the hilt itself.

I also decided to use of Tims new brass pommel inserts.

More to come later.