The Lightsaber of Jori Daragon, A Scratch-Built Saber by LDM

As everyone knows, I like to do "themed" sabers and the Sith Empire/Great Hyperspace War Era make for a wonderful canvas. I based this saber on the following snippet:

Koros Major:

The Battle of Koros Major is fought between the army of Koros and the Sith Empire. Naga Sadow's focus is on the Battle of Coruscant, so he appoints his prisoner Gav Daragon as commander of the Koros Major invasion fleet. As the battle begins, Gav lands on the planet to look for his sister Jori, with a group of Massassi bodyguards.
As Gav enters Aarrba the Hutt's repair dock, his bodyguards see the Hutt as a threat, and attack and kill him. Jori enters at that exact moment and attacks Gav with a lightsaber given to her by Odan-Urr, assuming he had killed Aarrba. Gav escapes and flees the planet, leaving Teta's men to battle the Sith to eventual victory.

So, what would this saber look like? I have already established a lexicon for my sabers from this era, so I went with that Bronzium Weathering is a must. For a "Rank and File" Jedi saber, simplicity is a must. No ostentatious blinkified Valenthyne Farfalla hilt here. It is supposed to be a tool, so lets go with some knurling. I also love clan-style emitters for thse, so I went with that too. This saber is a scratch build (no MHS parts, no prefab parts). I did take some remnants that I made and didn't use on previous projects, but I even modified those beyond recognition. The dimensions were meant to fit a woman, because I made the assumption that when Master Odan-Urr would have given Jori his off-hand saber rather than his primary weapon. The OD is 1.375" and the length is 10.25". It was built to be exceptionally durable and duel-worthy (although I never recommend such activity, nor do I warranty it ) I hope everyone enjoys the simplicity and what in my opinion is the elegance of this hilt.

Scratch Machined Hilt
Crystal Shard v1 with Sekrogue1985's "Brawler"
3.7V Li-ion w/2.1mm recharge/kill in pommel
Blue-Ring AV Switch
Bronzium Weathering, Triple Baked
Sky-Blue LED with Red FoC

The BMT:

The Glams:

The Detail and FoC: