Well folks, it's that time of the year again! We are having a saber building contest here on the forums. There are two categories: MHS and Custom

MHS Saber - This saber has to be MHS based. Shrouds and custom PC are allowed, but the basic hilt has to be made from MHS. No complete custom parts like Acerocket's Obi TPM pommels are allowed. Modifying store parts (or having them modded for you by Tim) is allowed though.

Custom Saber - Anything goes here. No MHS parts are necessary, but they do make life easier when making a saber.

No previously made sabers are allowed in the contest. You have to build it specifically for it. For example, I couldn't submit Spectra, as it has been done for a few years now.

Only ONE SABER per person is allowed! Build the best saber you can and submit it. All members are allowed to enter, including Council members and professional sabersmiths.

Your saber must be functioning for this contest. No renders are allowed, and no empty hilts that have no electronics are acceptable either.

When you have your saber done, send a maximum of FIVE 'finished' shots and a wiring shot or two (optional, but recommended) to ME. No videos for the contest, to keep members anonymous. My email is available in my profile.

Title your emails in this format:

Superawesomejedi built a saber for the MHS part of the contest. The email title would look like this: TCSS MHS BUILD CONTEST - SUPERAWESOMEJEDI

Inside the email, please put your username, real name, saber name, saber specs, and the pictures you want posted.

Username: Superawesomejedi
Real name: Jimmy Page
Saber name: Spectra
Premium speaker
Momentary switch

<Wiring picture1>
<Wiring picture2 >

After I have received your submission I will PM you letting you know that it is good to go.

I will save and re-host all the pictures myself so that your name stays confidential. The polls will be anonymous, so that people don't vote for their favorite member. Please keep your sabers to yourselves as well, don't show them off until the contest is over. If you could submit your sabers sooner rather than later I'd appreciate it, cataloging 20 entries on the last night is a pain

You have until June 1st to build a saber for the contest. Voting will be held shortly after.

Prizes - To be determined.

That's about it. Have fun with the contest! I look forward to seeing what you all come up with. And remember, send your saber pics to me, do not post them.

Feel free to PM me for specific questions about your entry. General questions about the contest can go in this thread so that I don't get dozens of the same question.