Hi, I'm about to build my first MHS lightsaber. This is my first venture into soldering/leds/etc, so please forgive any noob questions I may ask.

Here are the parts I plan to use (everything will be ordered from the TCSS store; except soundboard):
- MHS Saber parts
- Luxeon Rebel LED (Rebel Star LED & MHS Heatsink Module)
- 16mm AV Latching Green Ring Switch - DPDT
- Battery Holder: 4AAA
- NiMh Batteries x4
- Premium Speaker

After having spent countless hours reading/studying/obsessing here in the forum, I've put together this wiring schematic to the best of my abilities.

I just have a few questions:

1) Is my wiring schematic correct? XD
2) Where does the resistor for the Illuminated AV switch go?... am I using the correct resistor?
3) Is the resistor for the Luxeon LED correct?
4) According to this schematic, am I getting "maximum brightness" out of the LED?... if not, how can I do so?