So, here's what happened.

A while back (last April-ish) my PC 1.5 died from having the microSD holder pulled off the board by the battery. Two traces completely removed, and all my attempts to fix it myself (mostly consisting of attempting to hot glue the holder and/or card in place) met with no success. I wrote off the board and tossed it, deciding that "one day" I would replace the board and try yet again to get a saber working for more than a few weeks. I've started to do some preliminary thinking, and what I want to do is take this:

And put in a PC 1.6. Difficulties:

  1. The PC 1.6 is listed as needing a minimum of 4.5 volts. The 1.5 only needed 3.5(?) meaning I could run it and a Rebel off of a single 14650.
  2. If I really need two 14500 cells (or equivalent voltage), how am I going to get it?
  3. If I do need multiple cells, I would like to replace the recharge port in the switch box with a R.I.C.E. port.
  4. How in the name of heaven am I going to put all of this in the hilt?

I would have looked at the traditional sandwich-style setup as pioneered back in the days of Ultrasound 2.0, but with the rubber grips mounted internally, I don't quite have the room to do so. Moreover, if I do end up having removable cells, the R.I.C.E. port, from what I can tell, will stick down far enough into the hilt to prevent me from using a stick-style cell arrangement.

Basically, what I'm looking for is guidance from the masters here. I know just enough to screw myself over severely here, and I'm well aware of the fact. I may well be mis-estimating what I have to work with, or what I really need. But I really resist the thought of giving up on this saber; I've been working on it in one form or another for a couple of years now, and I really want to get it working again, and hopefully reliably so.