Hello everyone,
I am new to saber building and have been pouring over every piece of information before I finish my design and order the parts for my first build. With this being my first build I do want to read over and learn as much information as I can before starting my build. Everything I have read in the forums has been extremely helpful and answered a good portion of my questions. However I have a couple questions and would like your opinions and directions to where I can find the information I need.
1) What is the opinion of using battery packs that charge in the hilt VS. using individual lith-ion batteries that are charged using an external charger?BTW do I need the Lith-ion PCBs in my hilt if i am just using 2 individual batteries charged externally? Also where would I find the information for an in hilt charging system with the parts needed?

2) I keep hearing about faux crystal chambers in some sabers. Where can I find more information on these and how to incorporate them into my design?

3) I have found the majority of my information and parts from Plecter labs, Ultrasabers and The Custom Saber Shop forums. Are there any other places you would recommend to find more information? Are there also some other parts suppliers?

4) Are there any conventions or gatherings where I would meet up with other custom saber builders or even find some Star Wars memorabilia.( ie: Comicons and sci-fi conventions)

Any information you could give me would be much appreciated. Even a nudge in the right direction would be helpful. I hope to post picture of my first saber build in the coming months along with many more as this seems like something I could really enjoy and get into.