Quote Originally Posted by Jangotat View Post
Thanks for the response Matt.

So I hadn't thought about it before, but as I was looking to order parts, I found a question.
What settings did you get for your Corbin Driver? 1000ma latching?
It was latching. I don't think these old Corbin Drivers allowed you to choose the current.

Quote Originally Posted by Jangotat View Post
I believe mrfx switches to be latching. (yes?) Also the ledengin RGBA is to be rated for 1000ma constant current 1500ma peak. So when using multiple dies, the current would be divided between them, ? So all colors were about the same brightness, right? Was red alone about the same brightness as red and amber together?
I honestly don't recall. It's been quite a while. But I can tell you that with this set-up, precise control over mixed colors is impossible, and red and amber tend to dominate when mixed with other colors. It would be great to see a driver specifically designed for color mixing, but I don't know of one that would work in a saber.

Quote Originally Posted by Darth Inferis View Post
I have a question too. In the diagram in the first post which number legs on the relay did you use or does it matter?
Sorry, I thought it would be clear from the diagram. The leads to the driver switch go on 1 and 7. (Polarity doesn't matter.) The positive lead from the 616 board's LED goes to 2, and the negative goes to 6.