So I got in the electronics for my first saber build.
1 DPDT momentary green illuminated switch
1 SPST momentary switch with black switch(switch05)
hasbro 2010 economy board
1 yellow LED indicator
1 Green LED indicator
1 Activation box style 4
1 Seoul P4 (Green)
1 Collimator Lens 5° viewing angle
4 AAA battery holder
L1 uxeon III/P4 Lens Holder
1 Star thermal tape pad
1 1" Hilt safety plug (Clear)
150 ohm 1/4 watt resistor
2- 220 ohm 1/4 watt resistor
5 volt regulator

I am hoping to get the main LED,Green Accent LED, and the soundboard come on with the activation of the illuminated DPDT momentary witch. and to use the SPST momentary switch to act as the activation switch for the yellow indicator to attempt a flash on clash.
I have an issue with the illuminated switch/main LED.I have everything wired as in the image below. I can successfully activate the soundboard and the yellow and green accent lights-but the main LED will not come on with the illuminated DPDT switch. I checked to see that I had the wiring from the switch to the LED correct by using the same configuration to activate the soundboard. I even redid the wiring to the Main led to make sure there were no issues with my craftsmanship. I can get the main Led to activate with a standard on/off switch so I determined the LED is not the issue.
Any suggestions on how I can get the main LED to activate with the illuminated switch??
Attached is the diagram of what I am trying to do.
Let me know what I need to change to get this bad boy working.