So, i took a FX blade from my obiwan MR and converted it to a removable regular LED blade.

i have pictures of it lit with both a light and dark room. it didnt turn out to bad. a bit uneven but thats because i need to add more diffuser. ill pick u p some more next time im at the store.

i didnt take pictures of me doing it, as i wasnt sure how it would end up, but essentially all i did was work the tip off, broke off all the diffuser stuff, cleaned it, glued the tip back on then wound the cellophane around in the foam that held the LED's of the blade. shoved it in there, and glued it. not to bad for a show blade. next time i do it ill take pics and do up a tutorial.

ill try to update the pics when i add some more diffuser, for now, heres the pics, enjoy.