now before i get flamed, i DID read a lot. i read the thick walled comparison thread as well as quite a few other threads on how to build them and what to do and what they look like. but i'm not to clear on the pictures and i'm not clear on the various wrapping materials. there are 5 things i have been able to get though.

1 - if you want to be able to beat around with it, you should go with a 1" thick walled tube, which i do plan on using
2 - a diffuser spreads the light fairly well, creates a hilt flare effect and a core effect
3 - you want some sort of wrapping stuff like cellophane - not something i've actually seen over here in japan yet, though i haven't looked specifically for it
4 - you need some sort of mirrored tip
5 - gluing the wrapping material in is recommended by most

other than that, i don't see any big difference in wrapping techniques or blade looks. the Corbin blade has a diffuser and the TCSS blade doesn't, but other than that what are the differences? i don't want to ask if they're better than doing it yourself, but are they worth it to just buy them as opposed to making your own?

the decisions i've come to, after studying the pictures, is that i do like the core effect and i do plan on dueling someone at some time. so that gives me the conclusion of using a diffuser and a 1" thick walled blade, but i'm still lacking on the wrapping material, etc... i think i'm missing something key that will just make it click, but i don't see what it is...