Hello Saberland!

Showing off a new saber from the Vault. This saber was created from bringing a customers drawing to life. It is always a satisfying thing to bring something from the page into the material realm and then fire it up. When we got the drawing from our customer, he described it as a collage of different sabers he liked: Qui Gon's, Dooku's, Luke/Obi and our own Morning Star. One of the unique features that stood out for us is the control box at the bottom of the hilt that went from the pommel (taking the place of one of the nub/cube protrusions) and extending over the hilt to house the recharge port and lighted anti-vandal switch. This was a great feature and we think it adds a lot to the aesthetics of the saber. The crowning feature for us on this saber is that it is our first install of a Petit Crouton soundboard into a custom saber. Our original prototype was only installed in a half hilt and was a "blind" board (no LED driver) so it was great to finally be able to utilize and play with a fully armed and operational soundcard For those of you unfamiliar with the Petit Crouton, head over the the Plecter Labs section of the FX-Sabers forums and look for the thread there detailing it's inception and purpose.

Quick Specs:

Custom Pommel and control box
Hand cut powder coated overlays
Exposed Raw Quartz crystal chamber
lighted anti-vandal switch
2 sequenced accent LEDs recessed in the hilt
Inlaid neoprene grip strips in milled channels
Plecter Labs/ISG/JSSDC Petit Crouton Soundcard V1.4
LEDengin 5W Amber LED run at 1.5A
3.7V 18650 Li-Ion battery pack


