Figured I'd wait until I actually completed something before I'd post.

Well, firstly, let me say how much I've enjoyed gathering information from around this forum. It's all here! Everything I ever needed to know about putting something together that I'd like.

I've also got to hand it to the MHS system. Until I had the pieces in my hands and started messing with them, I simply had no idea how well planned out it is. Plan it out, and results are so easy to get. I apologize in advance for the flash in this picture... it's not great.

Right now, I've got a K2 Royal Blue in there. Yep, as described, the K2 is intensely difficult to solder to properly. Did manage to get it after a bit though, and I'm incredibly happy with the results! This thing is a torch even in daylight, and with the blade off it's more powerful than any flashlight I've ever owned.

So what's next? I don't see myself as building a lot of sabers, simply improving this one over time. First on my agenda is painting the inset areas black, and I've ordered a choke that I think is necessary for this particular design to be what I'd like. Here it is:

In the future? I'm probably going to get an Ultra Sound 2.5 module set up later on, and I'd really like to find a way to integrate a little bit of leather and weathering into my saber to some degree. I'd also like to get a few other types of LED... so I can swap colors when need be.