1. Burned the 411 onto ~20 CD#2s (thus far)...
2. L-Scribed 'em...
3. Sending about 15-20 to Erv...
4. Trying to have enough to be ready...
5. SPECIAL VIDEO comin' out on the 23rd!!!

Let the record drop on the 24th, baby!

The CD will be up on my site a LITTLE early b/c I'll be in L.A. this weekend. Deals for the CD will be the same, so... for the time being, my recommend is:

* IF you live in Europe... start by trying to buy from Erv.
* IF you live in the U.S. or Canada or Mexico (that sort of thing)... start by trying to buy from my site.
* IF you live on Mars or Tattoiine, the CD will be sent en masse by a certain YT-1300, masquerading as spice. It may take a while to get to you.

Han bought first.
