Really sorry if this has already been discussed somewhere else, please let me know if it has. Also, this is my first post, I just joined the custom saber scene and don't own a saber yet, so I'm definitely not aware of all the in and outs yet, just going off what I read.

I've been noticing that "dim" spots along the blades length seem to be a reoccurring problem. A lot of this has been resolved with optics (lenses) at the base of the saber, but a small dim spot seems to persist (correct me if I'm wrong) even with this improvement.

Now FX sabers corrected this issue by using a string/bar of LEDs, but those tend to break after repeated duels, stage fighting, etc.

This got me to thinking about using a single supplemental LED in the tip of the blade instead of just a flat mirrror/reflective disc of mylar. Since the LED would only be supplemental (adding a bit of additional light to the dim spot on the blade), it could be pretty weak and thus small, low power, and low heat.

The hurdles to overcome i foresee are:
-Getting power to the top, although if its a single LED, it should just be two, maybe 3 wires (not up to speed on the electronics end of everything yet).

-Mounting it in the tip so that it withstands the pounding of repeated light saber duels. I was thinking fill the entire tip (with LED in correct position) with clear epoxy or silicon. Yes it would be very permanent but if you get it right it should allow it to take a severe beating and still function properly.

-Focusing the supplemental light onto the dim area. This would have to be done with some sort of lens I presume, and would have to be fiddled with to find the best configuration. Theoretically, the lenses could be pretty small and be glued directly onto the LED housing (im talking small, standard, .5W LED or something).

-Matching the color could be tricky, but since its only supplemental light, it would probably mix pretty well with the other light if you got close with the color and you (theoretically) wouldn't really be able to tell.

Anyways, just a random idea I had that I wanted to throw out there. Sorry again if its already been discussed or isn't really feasible (or if dim spots just really aren't a problem anymore for whatever reason).