Hello Everyone!!

I'm relitively new to this page, so i apoligize in advance if this is against the rules, or not appropriate...


The restaurant i work at (Nicholson's Gastropub in Cincinnati, OH) is having a HUUUUUGE charity event to try and raise ONE MILLION Dollars to give to the American Autism Assiotiation. It is on Sept. 30 at 6pm-11pm

Part of what we are doing is having a HUGE party (taking up 4 city blocks) And having alot of Raffles/ Silent Auctions.

Some of our Donors include...

Orange County Choppers is custom making a motor cycle and donating it for us to Raffle. (Still working on details)

Jenny McCarthy (Who's son has Autism) is going to come (Confirmed 10% of money going to Jenny McCarthy fund for Autism)

Several Autographed Guitars (Nickelback Confirmed, more to come...)

But yeah... I'm gonna try to make a lightsaber to raffle off... The owner of the company LOVES the idea... But then he asked if i could do ALOT more!!

So.... I' asking all of you, noble saber-smiths, if ANYONE would like to donate any of their lightsabers to the Cause? I can issue you a recipt for the estimated value, (Tax deduction!!!) and We can display your name as the donor! (or you can remain anonymous) We are looking to do alot of things with these!!

I Know their are a few of you who have 30+ lightsabers (I have seen the videos!!!!) and i ASSURE you that ALL of the money made of your donation will go to Autism reserch!!!

If you have ANY questions at all, PLEASE message me and i will be happy to help any way i can!

Thanks in Advance!!

Maven, Nicholson's, and the American Autism Assotiation!!