Greetings and salutations. I'm new to the board but not to saber building. At present I am working mainly on a hardwared Qui Gon and Obi Wan sabers for myself and my best man. I shall have both ready in time for my wedding Halloween 2009 but I am still working on and tweaking the other sabers I have built. Hardest time I am having is getting a pair of emitter ears for my Luke ANH and ESB sabers done. I have tutorials and all the needed sheet metal and cutters but wondered if anyone could point out what I am missing. I just can't seem to get the dang things right. In my bought collection I have a Hasbro FX Luke ANH as well as a MR Qui Gon Jinn plus two other sabers I won on ebay in the past. My hardware collection is around 8 or 10 as some of them I ended up taking apart for others. Anyway I hope to post some pics of my work and welcome any help of those little pesky fins.