i agree, get the wife involved. mine likes to dress up in costumes, thatgroup pic of us in my sig, she made that herself, not the best around, but it was her first shot. she did help me sew up my jedi robe that i made myself, shes good on a sewing machine. very helpfull in that regard. she had me make her her own saber once, it broke, it was a wierd style. had jewels on it, you could take them off to sell in case you needed money, that was the premise for the saber. not real jewels of course, lol and the top had a removeable emmittier that allowed her to choose different types to put on. if ya remember the academy game you had different emmitters, fencing, etc..... kinda borrowed on that idea.

i guess since im into the led sabers now i need to redo that saber in a lux version. that would tickle her to death. yeah, thats a great idea. im gonna start designing that soon.

The Brotherhood Of The Sith

You dont know the POWER, of the dark side...