well if you get a good one you will get more current out of it.

I had a 616 board that put out 715ma on a red lux III. That was on weak batteries.

Unfortunately I replaced the batteries the next day (4 fresh AAA batteries) and blew one of the transistors on the board.

here is a pic I took because I was amazed that the 616 board put out so much current.

Now still being half of what the red lux III wanted it wasn't running at optimal but the brightness was the same (noticed no difference after putting that led on a US 2.1) for the first part of the battery life at least.

I built a P4 green saber for my friend and he didn't want to put much into it so I put a 616 board to drive it and the brightness is just fine (didn't check the current though) with a decent run time.

Since the transistor was surface mount I couldn't find the exact one so I just put one in from a device that was the same as far as being a PNP transistor (not sure about the other ratings were). The board was not able to get above 300ma after that.

I know none of this really helps but just throwing my experience with the 616 out there.