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Thread: mono plug

  1. #1

    Default mono plug

    does the mono plug gpo inside the polyethelene or does it just hang off the end of it?

  2. #2


    the mono plug goes inside the polycarbonate. it is held in place with a set screw.

    i am a nerd, if you don't like it, i will cut you with my lightsaber

  3. #3


    More specifically, the plug and polyE line up end-to-end inside the polyC.

  4. #4


    I am about to finish my first lightsaber with the EL-blade, very excitied. Question- the tiny screw that holds the mono plug to the blade. I am afraid it won't hold, will it? Those of you who fight with their blades, what do you do to secure the defuser part and blade to the hilt?

  5. #5


    Unless you put it together in some funky non-standard way, it'll be just fine.

    As for holding the entire blade assemly inside the hilt, I personally use a large thumb screw through the hilt and just put pressure on the outside of the blade. I'm sure there are plenty of people that may actually drill a hole into the polyC shell, for the thumbscrew to go into.

    I have never had a problem with my design, though, and neither have my 7 customers. Just as long as the thumbscrew is throughly tightened (hand only).


  6. #6
    Owner of the Custom Saber shop Strydur's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    I have never drilled a hole for the thumb screw to sit into either. Just the friction against the side holds the blade just fine.

    The Custom Saber Shop


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