Quote Originally Posted by Darth Abominor View Post
...There is a slight 'sound cut-off' at the end of each swing sound effect, basically it's the Swing.. tick sound of the effect ending.
Actually, this is called a "zero-crossing" error, where two sounds are not "matched" up within the waveform.

At this point... end-of-sound X skips a large distance over the waveform to get to start-of-sound Y... and you will hear a pop or click.

How severe the click is depends on a few factors, but mainly it is the size of the "distance" in the waveform that is skipped.

This problem is easily resolvable (to a certain, very effective extent) when the sound sampling is done correctly.

But... yes... it DOES take work to get it right for each and every sound. Tedious... and sometimes exhausting--work.