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Thread: What does a Light saber represent?

  1. #1

    Default What does a Light saber represent?

    MMA was interested in what I thought a Lightsaber meant to a Jedi. So, since I have written about it before, I thought I would share that posting.
    I'd like to hear your thoughts too. What does a Lightsaber mean to you?

    Miri stood up and looked at her saber as she left the room. On the outside it seemed much like every other training saber, a silver cylinder with an emitter and shroud on the end, a clip on the other and covered in scrapes and small indentations from the use and abuse from years of student trading. She thought on Tahl’s words and decided to conduct her research on the Starchaser. It was quiet and a place where she could open up the saber. As she walked the hallways to the landing bay, she considered her feelings on her saber. She felt that, while she had gotten used to it, she didn’t like the way it felt in her paws When she gripped it. Her crescent blades somehow felt perfect to her in her paws. They also seemed to sing to her. But then this saber was just a starter tool to help students get used to the way it felt in combat. And all she got from it was silence. Upon entering the Starchaser, she took in a deep breath and smiled. This was her quiet place, her sanctuary. She moved down to the cargo hold and sat at the maintenance workbench and began to scan the saber. Inside she found two crystals. Having no idea what they were for, she sat back for a moment and looked at the weapon on a whole. Tahl's words were still fresh in her mind. The Jedi and saber were one. Grinning, she knew what the saber meant to her. She clipped the saber back onto her belt, then returned to speak with Tahl.

    Tahl was waiting patiently, having gotten done with another student. She smiled as Miri approached and could sense a feeling of pride in the Bendu.

    "Well Miri, given your last research assignment I expect more from you this time. Do you know what your saber means to you?"

    "I do Master Tahl. I did as you suggested. I found a quiet space and examined thoroughly the lightsaber."

    "And what did you find?" asked Tahl. She knew Miri's answer would be interesting. Somehow Miri always surprised her in some way. It was just getting her out of her stubborn shell that was difficult sometimes.

    "The 2 crystals and the casing represent the heart mind and body. The casing protects the crystals much like the body protects the organs."

    "Go on Miri.." said Tal encouragingly.

    "Alone, they are vulnerable and ordinary. but brought together through the force, they could focus the force to cut through even the darkest of situations." Miri nodded, still thinking on how to word her answer before continuing. "To me, my saber represents determination that cannot be dulled, knowledge to cut through the darkness of uncertainty and a beacon that shows what can happen when mind, body and soul are united with the force."

    Miri took out her saber and held it between her fingers So Tahl could see.

    “However, while I feel a connection with this saber, I do not like the way it feels. If I had to put a term to it, I would say... empty. I would also say that these represent a Bendu. ordinary, generic and empty. however, with time, care and knowledge, the saber and the bendu can grow and learn from one another, the end result being... "

    Miri pointed to Tahl's own saber before continuing.

    "Your saber is a representation of you, created in the forge of knowledge and shaped by the living Force."

    “Yes, I would say that my sabre is a representation of me. When I designed and finally constructed her, I wanted her to be an extension of me and because this sabre was constructed by me. It is an extension of my heart, mind and of my being.” Tahl explained.

    “However, I would ask you to think on something. Do you see all Bendu as being empty? Looking at you, Tirol and the other Bendu and apprentices, I do not see empty students. What I do see are students that are full of prior knowledge, experience and life. And that is something that can be added to, extended, and in some cases changed. If you look at yourself for example, when you first came here, you were a loner, perhaps a little hot-headed and rash. But if you look at yourself now, you are much calmer, patient and you socialise more. If you look at your sabre, it is also full of experience from the many students that have held it, a representation of a past you. But in time as you have developed, it has also developed because of the way that you have come to use it. I would ask you to re-do the exercise again and see if you view the sabre in the same way, or a different way and let me know what you think.”

    Miri shook her head. "I did not mean it as being cold and useless Mistress. I meant it as if it were an empty cup. We built our cups before we joined. As you said, prior knowledge. However when I hold this saber, I do not get the same comforting feeling I do with my crescent blades. Ever since I first saw them I felt connected to them in much the same way you describe being connected with your saber."

    "And how can you feel more connected with your lightsaber? What can you do about that?" asked Tahl, giving Miri something more to think on.

    Miri shrugged. " Is it forbidden to 'personalize' a training saber?"

    Tahl nodded. " Indeed it is."

    Miri shrugged once again. " Then not much. Saber and I are destined to be acquaintances, close friends even. But doubtful much more than that since our paths will no longer be the same at some point. And I do not believe that fault lies with the saber, but in myself."

    "Why do you feel that?" asked Tahl.

    "Because I do not feel this represents me. By your definition, this sabre is generic, the same as every other Bendu's. I may as well be a clone. Unless.."

    Miri trailed off in thought then looked at her saber for a moment, a look of confusion appeared on her face before she muttered "could it be.."

    She stepped away from Tahl and activated the saber, spinning it in her paws a few times, adjusting her grip each time. powering it down, She sat down before Tahl, ready to answer her question again. Tahl sensed her feelings had changed from uncertainty to confidence.

    "Master, if we cannot personalize the saber, then what about exchanging this for another saber. I am guessing that given the wide range of students that the Chu has, there must be a wide range of sabers. Not every saber suit's every student.”

    Tahl thought for a while on what Miri had said. She was right regarding the variety of the students that the Chu has had over the years she had been with them.

    "How would exchanging your current sabre help you connect with your saber?" asked Tahl, probing Miri further.

    Miri held her hilt up with her paws around it.

    "For us to be in perfect harmony, should we not complement each other?"

    To demonstrate, Miri left the room and returned with a wooden staff that was about 4 foot long, but her paws wrapped around it fully. She wielded it like she would her lightsaber and began a basic saber kata. Her speed and grace of movement picked up in pace. the weight of the staff versus the saber slowed her down only marginally Tahl could sense she was very much content and at peace. with a final back flip Miri ended the Kata in a salute to her teacher.

    Tahl nodded thoughtfully. "We will have to speak with Sardan, he is the one who constructed the training sabres. I have noticed that the hilt doesn’t appear to suit you, so perhaps this could be the best way forward for you.

    Miri bowed. " Thank you Master."

    "Don’t thank me just yet. If it is approved, you will have to redo your training exercise for me, and since this would be the second time you have completed this exercise, I will be expecting you to tell me in much more detail how connected your feel to your sabre, including how the Force affects your connection.” Tahl replied sternly to Miri.
    Miri sighed, her ears drooping. "Yes Master."
    She left to Find Sardan, at the same time wondering if this was another lesson in patience. She decided to take it as another challenge. A duel with a senior Jedi, then another Bendu immediately after, then taking this assignment twice. Either she was being punished for something or her teachers were expecting more from her than the other students. Muttering under her breath a prayer to A'ren, she hoped that she didn't have to do this a third time. 'So be it' She thought. she would let her teachers push her as far as they could, but she would not give up.


  2. #2


    Well, thought out and planned I can see that you are very serious about your saber, and I know you will be happy once you get it, but I have one question. Your character, Miri- she is fairly competent with her teacher, but wants a tool, not a weapon, (from I can understand by reading) that would suit her like a haircut would suit a person... Why is you saber called Defiance?

    Winning the fight isn't everything. It's the only thing, and you have two options- TapouT or PassouT.
    Official Saber Concepts Saber Designer

  3. #3


    Because Miri has a definite stubborn streak. She is still a Jedi in training but has this defiant attitude that has gotten her in trouble in the past with her teachers. "Mcich has Fury, but this is Miri's Defiance". Both characters are A'renian but I wanted to carry the bond I have with Mcich to my saber too, so that's how it got its name. so they are somewhat family too

  4. #4


    Gotcha... Makes sense...

    Well, the meaning of my saber is that A large part of Mixed Martial Arts fighting (for those of who you don't know, thats what I do for most of my money) is glory.
    I got some feedback from some peeps on here about the name, and we decided Glory, because glory is what you get when you're in the spotlight like people who fight.
    I don't have my saber yet, but when/if I do get it, I wont let it go. It'll be my security blanky.
    Last edited by mmafighter; 12-26-2008 at 06:45 PM.

    Winning the fight isn't everything. It's the only thing, and you have two options- TapouT or PassouT.
    Official Saber Concepts Saber Designer


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