Hi everyone,

My name is Caine Drathul from the LA Jedi boards. I am the dude who is currently making all of the missing forms of lightsaber combat

And now it's time for me to make my own saber...but it's a whole new ballgame for me. I read Darth Dan's tutorial and how to make a sink tube saber, but it doesn't include how to do it with sound.

I am going to pretty much follow that tutorial, and I am going to add a Vader soundboard. Here are my questions:

1. I am considering having two switches, one for the sound and one for the LED. I am planning on using toggle switches, and I want to know how many amps I need per switch? What amp rating for the LED and what amp rating for the soundboard.

2. If I do a single switch (rocker type) how many amps should that one be rated?

3. What parts exactly do I need for the LED? Should I just go ahead and buy a Luxeon III kit, or can I buy the parts of the kit separately if I only need certain parts?

4. If I have the switch on the endcap, what is the best way to make sure the sound comes out? and...do I need a different speaker?

5. As far as a battery pack, what type will I need to power this saber?

I know...lots of questions that people have probably asked tons of times...but like so many others, this is all greek to me.

Thanks everyone.