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Thread: help new at this

  1. #31
    Jedi Initiate virus692's Avatar
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    Lost In a Sea Of thought.

    Default See the sig!

    Hey some of us Spoon feed the Noobs ....

    maybe we should have a sign

    Please Do Not Feed the Noobs!
    Vi veri veniversum vivus vici

    Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of in·san·i·ty!
    Witty Quote

    Spoon fEeD A nOOb

  2. #32
    Council Member
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    Obi-Dar Ke-Gnomie's Avatar
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    Let's all just stop posting in this thread, let it die and move on.

    BTW, welcome to TCSS, Sucka. Enjoy your stay.

  3. #33
    Youngling Alcfalath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xl97 View Post
    Have YOU been there? DaJoQuim is already a member there..

    if yuor not going to be helpful...why post at all? if ia post annoys you..skip it..

    it really 'is' that simple..

    I doubt anyone needs a postcount++ that bad... either post something useful.. or move along. those who want to be helpful will reply to the thread.
    Yes I am a member there, with a '0 Post count' and no I didnt know I dont actively search out members on a forum. I generally learn what I can 'before' speaking up and asking questions. I was lurking the TCSS boards solidly for about 6 months before I signed up, so please dont try the 'post count' ploy.

    And I did post something useful. That would be re-iteration of the point that was brought across by Loreen. Personally i think that it is very helpful, and simple to see so.

    Why did you post? *rhetorical*

    Anyways, agreed with Obi Dar...

  4. #34


    only the first line was DIRECTLY aimed to you..

    the rest was a general comment/response to the thread

  5. #35
    Youngling Alcfalath's Avatar
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    No worries, couldnt tell it was just the first point. It just seemed focused my way from the post layout.

  6. #36


    Tempers do flare when we (members who had to read, and scour for information and learn on our own through experimentation) get asked questions that are specifically addressed in the FAQ and the thread index.

    I can understand how someone new to this hobby can feel intimidated by the amount of info to learn, and they'd rather jump in with both feet and just ask a question. That, however, does not work. There is a LOT to learn about this hobby, and I dare say that nobody here has all the answers. We each know our little piece and we combine that information and threads get indexed as a favor to newbies. Having all that information at your disposal is a bigger favor to you new folks than you realize. I never had that when I was new to this hobby, nor did many of the other "old dogs" around here. We came up the hard way.

    I won't take sides on what was said. It's pointless. Fact is, the original poster was directed to read the FAQ and the index to see if those sources held the answers.

    One additional thing I will address - yes, I purge members at my forums regularly. For every 10 members that sign up for an account, only one or 2 actually post. I've never understood why someone would create an account and not contribute, but there it is. If a member creates an account and does not use it within 30 days, they are deleted. Some members that have only posted once or twice and then nothing for 30 days get deleted. They're my forums, and my rules. I will say this - TCSS is FAR MORE FORGIVING of n00bs than we are over at JSSC.

  7. #37


    I don't think anyone has been rude but I would say we can be a bit harsh on the new people.
    I asked a mate at work what he thought a Noob was and he thought it was a name for the male genitalia. If it says ALL NOOBS read this and they don't know what a NOOB is can you blame them if they don't read it. I agree that more and more people are asking questions that longterm members have heard and answered countless times before, is this because people are getting lazy or that the site is becoming more and more popular and these are the natural questions that first leap to mind.

  8. #38
    Council Member
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    "is this because people are getting lazy or that the site is becoming more and more popular and these are the natural questions that first leap to mind. "

    It is definitely some of both.
    All n00bs READ these first (PLEASE)!!!:1. LDM's Basic Saber-build Step-by-Step Tutorial 1A. Maul's Saber Dictionary 1B. THREAD INDEX 1C. Econo Sound Diagrams
    TCSS the #1 Part supplier of LDM customsabers!

  9. #39


    My faith in people is truly shaken. I thought some were a little hard on the nOObs then i found A thread on the site which amazed me. I'm not going to name names because I don't want to start a war of words but the guy was just plain rude even when given help by some of the most experianced saber builders on this site. Asking is one thing, throwing something back in someones face because it is not what you want to hear is another. I guess it is also a case of not just what you ask but how you ask it.

  10. #40


    crank out a few sabers, and your elite/above the rest

    dont dare ask questions now.. (bleh)..

    its funny to me.. the 'vets' only need skip or pass the post right up.. but 'somehow' they take a personal responsibility to not only not be helpful in their post.. but to take a jab at the 'noobies' because they should have read (or whatever they feel like crying about)..

    this place (I thought) was a place to get information and HELP on the products sold at TIMS store...

    not necessarily 'this' post..but I have seen many that (IMO of course) could discourage sales from the store because of the negative attitude toward new members here.

    seems to be the general attitude here..

    since SaberSmiths is going 'elite' and hard on noobs.. cant we leave this place for the DIY'ers to get help and feel comfortable?


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