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Thread: hasbro sound

  1. #1

    Default hasbro sound

    hi any one can send me an mp3 with the hasbro force action or lightsaber kit in use?? you that use your hasbro with spins and clash up and down , i have to use this for make my custom lightsaber ,and before buy an hasbro to use its sound board i have to haer it!
    thank you

  2. #2
    Jedi Initiate valeon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    United States


    I don't mean to be rude, but check sources like youtube before you post something like this. Most of the different sound options have videos on youtube and other various sites.

  3. #3


    specifically if you do a search in youtube for "hasbro saber" several of the videos on the first page are of the force action toys.

    I have the force action vader and its... quirky. it's not too bad all told. It has a certain low-fi growly sound that has charm. No idea if the Obi or Luke bothered to use different sound sets.

    The woosh noise has certain angles where it can go into a loop. My guess is that the spring in the motion sensor is a tad loose so it may not be an issue with anyone elses.

  4. #4


    It's actually a ball inside the motion sensor and yeah, that thing rolls around like crazy..setting off the movement sound with the slightest little, and I mean little, movement. All in all not too bad but if you can, get rid of the flash on clash sound because it's awfull. BUT!! That is a WHOLE other topic.

  5. #5


    Okay, my search-fu is either weak as soy milk today, or people are directing me to look for what isn't there, but could someone /point/ to a YouTube video with /clear/ sound of a Hasbro saber? 'Cause I can't find it. The neo's keep getting pointed to YouTube to look for this, but I honest tried and failed. Feel free to feel superior when you got the link, I'll just be glad to have it. Specifically I'm looking for the Vader, Dooku, and Windu.

  6. #6


    If they still sell the dooku or windu i havent seen them in months and besides they use the same board. If you cant find the video with good enough sound just go to wal-mart aka hades and buy the vader one for 20 bucks pop in some batteries and if you dont like take it back no harm no foul. Besides the videos NEVER sound like what it will be like in person anyway. And if your going to go with a hasbro board do yourself a huge favor and get a speaker from the shop ... makes a huge difference.

  7. #7


    Hmmm... *thinks* Unfortunate, but I have to take your word for all of it (though I already suspected the speaker bit). I wonder how many of these I can get cheaply...

  8. #8


    I don't know if some of you ever heard the sound board from a hasbro build your own lightsaber?I bout one the other day and I must say it sounds not all that bad!!

  9. #9

  10. #10


    Swear, thanks for the link. That one sounds... not so great. Good to know. Thing lit up like an anemic watch light, too.

    DaJoQuim, I have one and the sound is tolerable, especially for the lightside colors. The vader red is... well, Vader's sounds have never been all that awesome, but the low, guttural growl of a hum is nice. I may one day scavenge that thing for parts (though I actually like how it works right now).


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