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Thread: Extending blade?

  1. #1

    Default Extending blade?

    Hey, has anyone ever tried to use Poly-C to make a segmented saber blade that would work like the hasbro toys?
    I know it'd look like crap, but still. It'd be cool to have something you could just whip out real quick.

  2. #2
    Owner of the Custom Saber shop Strydur's Avatar
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  3. #3

  4. #4


    I'm guessing that's a no, huh?

    Proably something to do with the diffuser and the non-conical shape of the PolyC...

  5. #5


    (sound of Beavis and Butthead laughing)
    you said 'whip it out'

  6. #6


    wow...i've got a funny story, but i think i'll keep it to myself.

    I don't see why it wouldn't be possible, but it would take some work i'm sure to get the led to look right when turned on.

  7. #7


    I will refrain from the usual comments, however I will say that I love the way that was worded-it made me chuckle...

    Now, I dont know of anyone who has made one such as the Hasbros. There are a few problems to making that style out of PolyC. First, the hasbro saber blades are varying degrees of taper so that thay cannot come apart, easy to cast in cheap plastic not so easy to do in PolyC. Secondly, the LED optics would not work so well inside of a blade such as this because the light tapers out while the blade tapers in. Third, good luck finding any kind of diffuser short of sanding or bead blasting. And last in a list that could be much longer, once you put forth all the time and effort into such a project to get everything as perfect as you can, it still would be just a copy of a hasbro and not half as spetacular as a regular blade.


    ***A man is known by the enemies he carries, so make the best ones you can.***

    ***Give me a decent foothold and I will move the world.***

    ***It is now that we battle.When you die, await my arrival in the afterlife where we will battle again.Perhaps there you may have the ability to defeat me,but not here,not now,not this day.So let us part with words and embrace the blade.***

  8. #8


    I don't know about using a poly-c to do this but what about those tapered blades, not the hasbro but the ones designed for like a 6 degree lense. hmmm I forget who sold those

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