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Thread: Greetings

  1. #1

    Default Greetings

    My first post here. My name is Russ, and like other new members, I have ordered my parts for my first MHS saber and have them in hand... all I am waiting for is my LED driver/dimmer board from Plecter Labs which should be here this coming week.

    I have been reading tutorials and looking at pics of all of your work, and I have to say the end results blow me away. I have not started on my first one yet and I am already planning and designing my second one lol.

    Look forward to sharing pics and ideas with you all.

    Russ (Darkstar)

  2. #2
    Council Member
    Jedi Council Member
    eastern57's Avatar
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    Mar 2008


    Darkstar, eh? You sound great in my saber... let me know if you see Phoenix Pyre or Chairsaw walking around.......

    ha.... ha......... ha.......... don't laugh, totally not funny...

    anyway, Welcome!

  3. #3


    heh, actually laughed, welcome to the forums, and the addiction.
    If you refuse to bridge the gap, You will always be on the other side.

  4. #4


    lol thanks guys.

  5. #5


    Welcome to obsession

  6. #6
    Sith Minion
    Jedi Initiate
    DARTH KALEL's Avatar
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    still stuck in a black hole


    Yes welcome, your training starts now, do not be misled by the Jedi, you can only achieve true power through the dark side, join the sith, embrace the power, then destroy the JEDI. lol Welcome again, lets hear a little more about you.

    I harnessed the energy of the yellow sun in one of my kryptonian crystals to power my lightsaber

    No man stands so tall as when he kneels to help a child
    Mr. Abe Lincoln

  7. #7


    Addiction is right lol. As if collecting comics, star wars stuff and costuming wasn't enough lol.

    A little more about me? Well, I am originally from Hawaii and met my better half (another star wars fanatic) who is the reason I moved to Salt Lake City. I am also a part of the 501st Legion, Alpine Garrison. My armor is that of the Ep3 clone 501st variant. I've always wanted to build my own custom lightsaber but at the time I knew just a glowing EL blade would not do me. I wanted more...I wanted sound and effects. I bought the FX saber at C3 and for a while it was cool but I wanted a blade to duel with and my own design.

    A month ago I got me a Ultrasabers FX conversion kit and had a blast converting my broken Maul saber into a luxeon with the orange color. And then found this site a couple weeks ago, and placed an order and now just waiting on my LED driver from Erv @ Plecter Labs. (A great guy I must add as well)

    Once that gets in this week I'm guessing, then the games will begin

  8. #8
    Youngling DDanDevious's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    In the cantina drinkin' Colt 45's with Lando



    sounds like you are ready to rock. So will you be a jedi clone trooper? or is it time for another costume?


  9. #9


    Ohh, definitely a new costume. With all the armor I've put together, I believe it is time for cloth

  10. #10


    Welcom to the Forums Darkstar.

    Eastern, perhaps you'll e good enough to tell us exactly where we can get a ChaiRsaw. Ha ha ha ha.
    Darth Fender
    Sith Lord

    You over estimate my FLOWERS!


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