In fact, if you look at the scrolling marquee at the beginning of Ep I really close, you'll see "Chancellor Palpatine, at the behest of Big Oil, has secretly built a weather maker of the coast of Naboo City in a plot to flood it and drive heating and fuel oil prices to colossal levels".

I swear.

In Maryland, we're averaging 2.50/gal, and that's for the 87 octane. I'm talking straight outta the ground, no purification. I remember when I was at FAMU, and we'd take road trips to Atlanta. There was a strip about midway up that had gas for, no joke, .85/gal. Boy, the way Glen Miller played...Songs that made the Hit Parade... Archie and Edith are spinning in their graves, man. Those were the days.

You don't need to see any identification.