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Thread: Current Jedi Pattern

  1. #1
    Jedi Padawan strengthofrage's Avatar
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    Default Current Jedi Pattern


    I haven't done the costume aspect at all but I would really like to. I kept seeing reference to the Simplicity (think thats it) patterns that people were happy with but everyone mentioned that they were no longer offered. Could someone tell me which pattern is currently offered that people are happy with? I am looking to put together a nice Jedi costume so the pattern(s) that include the full shabang is what I am after.

    Thanks all
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  2. #2
    Council Member
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    Obi-Dar Ke-Gnomie's Avatar
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    I used Simplicity pattern 5840. It should still be available. You can see my results here:

    If I understand it correctly, the original pattern was pulled from the market for copyright infringement. I've seen them on Ebay, but the price is ridiculous. 5840 has patterns for a generic tunic and robe that can easily be made into a Jedi costume, and should cost less than $10.

    I didn't like their pattern for the tabbards, so I simply made two strips of double thickness material, about 5" wide. I made mine pretty long, they come almost to my knees in front and back, but you can make them whatever size you want. If I remember correctly, Qui-Gon's were longer, and Obi-Wan's were shorter.

    If I did it again, I would also do the obi (the cloth belt that goes under the leather belt,) a little differently too. It wasn't wide or long enough.

    Their robe pattern is nice, but the hood isn't big enough. I made it bigger again by half, and it's still a little small. Check out Jay-Gon's hood in the thread above. He said he used a 40" x 20" piece to make it.

    The sizing is funny on pattern 5840 as well. I usually wear a large, so I didn't bother measuring myself, I just cut out the pattern on the large lines. Turns out that it was way too big, and I had to cut it down. Measure yourself, and make it according to the calculations on the pattern. I actually should have made it to be small, according to their numbers.

    You should also check out this site for lots of good info:

    There's one other thing I found really useful. I used Google Images and got a whole pile of reference photos from the movies. It was a big help.

    Hope that helps you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. There are others here who know far more than me, (especially regarding leather), and will be happy to help.
    Last edited by Obi-Dar Ke-Gnomie; 01-06-2008 at 12:57 PM.

  3. #3


    That Simplicity pattern that was discontinued wasn't as accurate as you'd think, but it was close enough to get pulled before they got sued. I have some info and pictures here that might help you:

    The best pattern I've found is a Japanese Kimono pattern. They have the more accurate cut to the tunic than the generic "jedi-like" patterns that Simplicty sells. Those will also include a pattern for the obi, or waist sash, but it's really not needed. Like the tabbards, a simple rectangle will suffice for that. There are some members of my costuming club, the Rebel Legion, that suggest doing some fancy cuts to the tabbards to make them hang straight, but I wouldn't recommend you attempt to do that on your first outfit. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
    Last edited by Jay-gon Jinn; 03-07-2008 at 02:40 AM.

    Got a question? Start Here. Have you tried the Thread Index yet? Most questions can be answered there.

  4. #4
    Jedi Padawan strengthofrage's Avatar
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    Thanks for the help guys, I appreciate it. I checked on ebay and saw the Simplicity pattern Obi-Dar mentioned for $8-$10, now I am going to look into the kimono pattern you suggested Jay-Gon.

    Hope my girlfriend doesn't mind me abducting her sewing machine...
    "Run when you have to, fight when you must, rest when you can."

  5. #5


    Even with a pattern, the padawans guide is indespensible......

    A couple of words of advice......

    The robe is the money ball....It makes or breaks the costume. I honestly think it takes about 3 tries to get close. By that I mean making three to get the look right. I made one robe, cut it down and made my son a robe, and finally made the one I have now......The practice and experience made a huge difference.

    Spend some money on the fabric for the robe......there again, the padawan's guide is a great resource.

    I found mine at

    their inventory changes so you gotta keep looking.

    Mine is WOOLwith a twill and heavy, but it looks right. They used several different weights of wool in the movies depending on if the wanted flutter or not.

    ALSO, buy a lot of fabric. Buy way more than you think you'll need, especially if your not a pro at sewing. Fabric can vary and unless you get another piece off the same bolt, you can't be 100% sure it will match. I also bought their matching thread.......good investment. I spent almost 150 bucks on fabric alone.

    The pattern I bought was only moderately helpful. I still took measurements from myself, drew it out and sewed after testing, pinning and marking. The pattern was mainly a cutting guide.

    As for the tabards, obi the pattern I had was useless. It look like what it was a costume pattern. I opted for my own design and I am moderately happy.

    The tunics are tricky.....the pattern would help for that but mine still looked like a karate ghi so I reverted to my own pattern. Based on amber's stuff.

    PM if you have specific questions.

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