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Thread: Accidents while building your custom sabers!!

  1. #1

    Default Accidents while building your custom sabers!!

    Hasid had mentioned in a recent thread that we should take photos of our screw ups that cause us bodily harm... or ruin our clothes lol. so this thread is for those who have put your blood sweat and tears into your work. might be a good idea to add a pic of what it was that shed you blood, or clothes as well. sounds like a good idea?

    sorry about this bad picture, but the lighting in my bathroom sucks lol.

    heres what did the damage.

  2. #2


    I've got one just about like that. No pictures, unfortunately. I was too busy trying not to bleed all over to snap a picture.


    Opened up the middle finger on my left hand about 2" long and it was nearly down to the bone. I take aspirin regularly, so my blood is thinner than most it bled out really easily.

  3. #3


    Kinda reminds me of what my barber of 15 years used to tell me everytime he would slice the back of my next with a straight razor while giving me a military hair cut...

    "It's healthy to bleed from time to time"

    That guy cut me so much, I got to the point that I didn't feel it after a couple years.
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  4. #4
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    This is just my opinion, and your preference may vary, but I don't think I want a saber that will cut someone for real. Especially if that someone is me.

    Just my $.02

  5. #5


    well... sometimes the most volatile looking sabers have sharp points.. they dont have to be used... but they look nice with the points that jonitus and i did... in fact Jonitus, if you remember, i made part of that saber you just showed... and it also shed my

  6. #6


    Accidents happen, We are not perfect. IF we were all perfect then our world will be accident free. I have cut myself so many times, but not as badly as others here.
    Darth Sequentius...Sith Lord

    Bringing light to darkness.

  7. #7


    "It's not a real project, unless you accidentally cut yourself somehow". :P

  8. #8


    ive actually busted my knuckles open with a plain saber, no sharp edges, so it dont really matter what type of saber it is, you can still

  9. #9


    hmmm i've shocked myself when wiring stuff, i've cut myself several times, and overall lucky i've never had to go to the emergancy room yet.


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