That's a really neat idea, Braxton. But not as easy to implement as you might think. I don't know how much you know about guitars, but as a guitarist (for about 7 years now), you have to know your equipment. The reason there's a sound difference between switch positions on a guitar is that it's switching between pickups. The "treble" switch position uses the pickup closest to the bridge, and has a 'screamier' (read as more whiny and high-pitched) sound. The "rhythm" position uses the pickup closest to the neck, and has a more mellow, smooth sound.

In order to convert this into a saber-sound, we would need to install two different speakers with different intonations. That's the you know, most small speakers that can fit in our hilts naturally have that high-pitched, whiny tone to them.

I think if/when I put the sound module into mine, I'm taking your advice on the resonating chamber idea. If we could incorporate a small, partially closed chamber inside the hilt to provide that "cup" over the speaker, that could help the sound quality a lot. Maybe put a rubber spacer in between it and the hilt to keep it from rattling, and help to provide some damping.

Maybe you already knew the guitar stuff, but in case, well, there you go.

The Last Scion of Rock

The Last Scion of Rock