

Tcss blade with very minor sanding inside the diffusertube and outside of the blade to get rid of some blemishes that I put into it when I smacked a concreat step.

Then this is with maybe 3 foot of polyP inside the same blade.

No flash. the flower option was selected, and there wasent enought light in the room to make a difference in the image.

Iam gonna do more of this style as soon as tim gets some of the same tcss style tube for the thinwalled blades.

But for the sanding inside the diffuser tube iam gonna get a gun barrel cleaner and attach it to a drill and do it that way.

Oh and that blade was a thickwalled at 33 total inches and a mirror in the tip that has some of the backing missing.


Another for some giggles.

this is the same settings. No flash with the flower selected but this time in a lit room.

I would say lit enought to make visibility enought to se the specs in the paint on the walls.

Sorry about the slight fuzz of the pic hand must of moved a bit mid shuter click.